Heimdal®`s XDR Platform
Keeps Your Systems Safe
From Malicious GPTs
”Fight fire with fire”, they say. In the battle against malicious generative AI, what you should focus on is picking the right tools to deal with cyber threats.
Heimdal has long before incorporated AI in its cybersecurity solutions. No matter how creative and grammatically accurate a phishing message can get with the help of Worm/Fraud/Evil-GPT, Heimdal is here to protect your digital assets.
It`s all about keeping your cybersecurity strategy and tools up to date. For example, our traffic pattern recognition AI, VectorN Detection™ detected 58.322 infections last year. A traditional Antivirus wouldn`t have detected these. So, if the adversary started using AI tools for malicious activities, you should also use AI to protect yourself.
Heimdal`s XDR Platform offers not only unity and visibility over your entire digital perimeter, but also cutting-edge technology at your service.
Regarding a potential increase in the number and complexity of cyberattacks, here`s what Dragoș Roșioru, XDR Team Lead Support at Heimdal, noticed:
"For the moment, it doesn’t know how to do anything new. It can only copy and combine existing things, so the impact of using malicious Generative AI is that the antivirus software may block more.
Experienced hackers, who know what they’re doing, aren’t using it for now. It already contains fingerprints, so it would be easy to detect. If the antivirus used by a company is weak, then yes, the company can be affected."
Wrapping it Up
AI, generative AI, LLMs are on everyone`s lips right now. Those are the buzzwords; those are the trends.
From our perspective, you should be aware of new technology emerging, be it malicious or not. However, it`s nothing to be scared of, as long as you choose your cybersecurity tools wisely.

Malicious Generative AI Tools. Buzz, Threat, and Solution